# Wrap Up Reasons
A Wrap Up reason allows the agent to click a single button when ending the call to signify the outcome of the call for easy reporting.
It is now possible to assign your Wrap Up reasons to a category. This means when creating a campaign, you can add all the Wrap Up reasons in a category with a single click.
This guide will show you how.
# Managing Wrap Up Reasons
From the 'Settings' menu, click 'Wrap Up Reasons'.
Here you can edit your existing Wrap Up reasons.
If you had any old Wrap Up reasons, they will now be in the 'Default' category.
Choose the category from the dropdown menu.
Click 'Edit' to adjust as needed.
Here you will be able to edit or create a new Wrap Up reason.
From the 'Category' dropdown menu, you can either select an existing category to add to, or create a new category.
Give you Wrap Up reason a descriptive name (This will be what the Agents will see).
Choose between 'success' or 'failed'.
Click 'Save when finished.
# Adding Wrap Up Reasons To New Campaigns
To create a new campaign, you'll need to be on the 'Campaign Management' screen.
From the 'New Campaign' menu, choose any campaign type except 'Blaster Campaign'.
Proceed as normal until you get to the 'Wrap Up' tab.
On this screen you can still manually add adhoc Wrap Up reasons by simply typing them in and clicking 'Save' however you can also choose to add all of the Wrap Up reasons from a category by selecting the category from the dropdown menu.
You can even add multiple categories to the same campaign.
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